I write this with disappointment and a heavy heart, and a bit of a scowl grin on my face, even though deep down I expected
nothing less!
It began with, friends, neighbours and relatives commenting to me:
“Peter, this Liberate Liverpool Movement (LLM) sounds promising”
I’d already looked into Liverpool hotelier Lawrence Kenwrights…. Libertarian initiative to (supposedly) overthrow the Town Hall. This was an initiative I tried to trigger myself in 2005 but events soon took over. This one, I was just keeping an open mind on until curiosity told me to:
“go and check it out in real time for yourself and experience another Democratic refusal to my face from this, so called impartial group”
I eventually decided to email LLM and ask, and was told that everyone, and anyone is welcome, no matter what side of the political spectrum you stand.
Oh is that so I pondered…Lol
Before I start, this is my disclaimer re the Democracy trick (back door Communism):
Although I’m aware that the ballot box, using their system is finished for the Europeans, I wasn’t going to attend their LLM meeting to volunteer myself up for one of these Libertarian seats, I was just going to see how they would handle me while getting information on this 80+ independent strategy and how they plan to challenge the same old looped Democracy trick that comfortably sits in their Liverpool Town Hall Politburo pulling the strings of whoever holds the Politically Correct (Cultural Marxism) mantel.
The Central Banks know, only the Europeans can stop them engineering... "racial hate" .....“white guilt”,.... “generational poverty” ...and... “inheritance plunder”, which is why they smear finger pointers (like me) as Fascists, homophobic and white supremacist bigots, while globally mass Medea profiling us as the most dangerous domestic terrorists on the planet. Not even their (well poisoner/money changer) phony19 lock down which destroyed everyone’s life and business gets that nomination, and remember the cigarette divide and rule ban that made social pariahs out of many, and now they pit the pro vax against the anti vax.
When the dialectic psychology of both Jews "Edward Bernays" and "Fraud" want something they get it!
But how else are they going to hide long lease sales of our sovereignty and jurisdiction, through complex acquisition and merger deals of secession to Zio-Communism…after all….. the “Twining” of “Communist Shanghai” with “Liverpool” is just a tongue and cheek… “we show them our super lamb banana and they show us how to introduce rickshaws on the streets for tourists”
Well consider this: My concern is the “Certificate Bond” that signifies the twinning of Shanghai with Liverpool … Has our implied consent, by not challenging the contract
burdened us with a financial debt, in a Hypothecation pledge to a Communist country. Is the private sector now being fronted by ambitious, but naïve speculators, used to pursue communist and dirty venture capital to accelerate corporate "crypto independent cities" and more privatised "public realm agreements" similar to Grosvenor's fiefdom (Privatised Liverpool One) as another part of devolution, as they blend us into their cashless society, and if so, what will be the consequences of our acceptance from the “Harbin” and “Kaifeng” oriental looking Jew bankers once the Town Hall gate keepers engineer defaults, or secession settlements re land lease, or freehold transfer deals that may have already, or are about to take place as we speak… How long have the Harbin, or Kaifeng oriental Jew bankers been rooted in Liverpool, land banking and investing for a future strategy, as is happening across Australia, Africa, America and here in Britain etc etc...
People are starting to realise a financial crash is on the horizon, and those who own land, or leases will want to protect it!..... Ask Louise Ellman, or if not, ask her Labour finger puppet
Frank McKenna!.... An introduction from my partner circa 2002 brought this reservoir dog groupie to my table to have a coffee and talk!.... within 2 minutes of being seated ..... the whole of Duke Street (opposite china town) was on the table, in an effort to manipulate my vanities .... (In that same time space), I stood up, shook his hand, and asked him to leave. I immediately went over to my brother and told him "just because they pour honey down your ears, don't ever bring any of that lot to me again".
Divide and rule, and by deception they wage war... and this is how the Marxist and Jew alliance works, and why the "Kaifeng" and "Harbin" Jew bankers are building ghost cities in China to coax people away from the land, to breed a new type of consumer that will be totally dependent on the same system that is killing them.
Well done, Mr Hatton, Mr Prendergast, Mr Storey, Mr David Henshaw, Mr McKenna, and you Mr Anderson…and to the rest of your sitting in wait Trotskyite Militants that get hailed as working class heroes who most don't even know their arse from their elbow, the majority of whom get pro-opted into party politics just to wave through policy, and do so because they enjoy a social status of being the working class hero (anarchist) not realising they are the reason we all have to pay compound interest on our loans, and mortgages that leaves us with a meagre existence as they hold open the immigration flood gates, while stopping the last line of defence for remedy... "National Socialism" from rising up... !
My 1st meeting Tue 7 th March
Indeed, I did attend my first meeting, sat and listened for an hour as they poured honey down the ears of those in attendance, although I must admit, I was interested in a few of the
hook lines!
ie: localism and small business initiatives, and especially the “Meritocracy” hook! (for potential candidates who have experience in business and politics, with social skills needed to drive a local economy to reinvigorate and restore confidence in what have become neglected and marginalised communities)
Well, I more than tick that box…. or does their…. on “Merit” system mean something else!
I thought….. Let’s see where Democracy takes me this time!
It was at this, my 1st meeting, Kenwright with pride, offered up the name of his PR team,
headed by Jon Egan….Ehmm! 1....... 2....... 3......... Now, the hairs on my neck stood up...Is this guy ((Kenwright) for real, or just another ambitious patsy priming another level of cultural Marxism!
I’d had dealings with this JE guy during my (Quiggins) City of Culture fight for survival that inspired me to trigger a referendum to topple the town hall, because all the in-office rats were in lockstep to ignore and squash Quiggins.
The mood soon changed 2005 when I triggered the new campaign to elect a City Mayor, It now threatened them all, and now I could sleep better at night, because I was now getting more visits to my stall on the street from cross party councillors, and the new leader Warren Bradley, who suddenly wanted to talk.
Although, during that period, I had a very questionable PR team who I eventually fell out with because a huge petition data base we had collected had diapered, only to reappear in their alternative Mayoral campaign that these Nome Chomsky groupies had set up to elect Jon Egan’s friend, the BBC Journalist & Broadcaster Liam Fogarty, it was the only way the Town Hall could stop Quiggins. This was the PR team who morphed my face on Che Guevara image as a display before I understood the significance of the Communist rat.
Egan was always good at keeping his cards close, and me sweet while working on the cultural side of things for the Town Hall: I hadn’t realised back then, Quiggins didn’t fit their Marxist Super Lamb Banana or a Tracey Emin scat remit setting the new corporate standard to control, or squeeze out the locals, and stampede in a new voting bloc. Of course, modernism has its place, but not a weaponised chutzpah symbol over national, and hereditary pride.
So now, this spin doctor turns up yet again, here on another merry-go-round, and of course he knows to pitch 80+ seats, is just a sound bite but a good strategy to make an impact and will gather enough for the spin doctors to allow the public to steam off and keep them shadow boxing with their new Trojan horse, full of naïve independent democrats, Marxist infiltrators, and his already sitting in wait old guard Trotsky Militants in the Town Hall bull ringing the naïve by the nose into more slow kill Politburo politics for “The Jewish Central Banker crime families” (TJCBCF).
The JCBC sit as the engine room (section 151 officer) of every city hall within our nation and are “not” going to risk being exposed by any European who refuses to comply with EU legacy, so filters have to be in place to make sure it doesn’t happen. The anti-white agenda is the only thing that secures them, and is why they have made the issue too toxic for “delicate personalities” and “apathetic minds” to even consider.
I did pose the question to Kenwright re the engine room 151 officer pulling the strings, his reply was "we have no other option" .....or words to that effect.... OMG I thought!
My 2nd meeting 20th March 2023
As I entered the room I walked in to the grinning face of the Liberal councillor Steve Radford who was making eye contact with me as he confidently distributed his 40-year

rainbow safe seat legacy leaflets around the tables to make his “quota shield wall” alliance known, it was only a matter of minutes before this EU empowered legacy was up on the “voice mike” wooing the crowd, many of whom clapped unaware of his real footprint.….. My chuckle alarm bell was sounding like a baking soda tablet dropped into a cup of water….. What next!
What did intrigue me more was the number of white faces in the room which inspired “one attendee” to “emotionally” pose the question “is anyone going to contact minority and marginalised groups” I looked around at the response in amazement, and the fact that we were all there because it was us who were being marginalised!!
The anti-white dog whistle silenced the room for a moment…until the statement sunk into the now grimacing faces and minds of the potential candidates who were now reacting uneasy which inspired one of Kenwrights agents to wolf cry the Marxist rhetorical shout… “We are a Multicultural city and everyone is welcome” …. it was at that point I witnessed some commenting that we were “the real marginalised, fed up of being silenced by these preferred quota groups”
I thought yes, It’s nice to observe others recognising that these weaponised, free pass groups are already empowered and pampered by the main colour coded cross party alliance, to shield and guarantee a voting bloc, re-election, and these bleeding heart agents had just proved the point……by noticing the absence…
These anti-white dog whistlers had highlighted the fact that the special groups in question are quite happy with their proportion of pampering and need not attend…
This confident, dog whistle had now posed the delicate issue for the organisers. Yet, as far as I was aware, and to many others in attendance, these meetings were widely publicised and open to all who could read, but these guardian angels were emotionally dog whistling for another VIP special treatment quota shield wall list, even though we all had to prove merit.…except Radford who just got a walk over, to set the Trans gender dysphoric rainbow-standard.
Mr Kenwright had to respond with a mumble reply of appeasement to gain order, knowing that his PR team headed by Jon Egan will take care of the strategic issues to keep us in lockstep with the social, and economic sciences of EU legacy that Charles Lindbergh in 1915 was forewarning us of... , even though basic arithmetic tells us, Multiculturalism ends when the last white man is hunted down, and is why the pied piper leads us with symptomatic remedies, to distract us from seeing the obvious solution.
This is the real reason they generate quota attack dogs, to use against those who reveal truth, facts and evidence to make sure Town Hall destructive policy (planned obsolescence) remains intact. While EU funding quangos almost suffocate them with handouts to keep them sweet and loyal. So in reality, they are reminding us not to listen to our blood, and genetic memory that keeps our families safe…. Lol!
I kept my powder dry during that dog whistle to watch the crowd who remained “gob smacked”.
These are the sort opportunities which have-to be challenged and nipped in the bud: But not by me at this point!
It also confirmed to me why all corruption and kick back deals highlighted in the likes of the Best Value Inspection Report, from Max Caller (the Jewish local government consultant guru) (the constantly referred to public distraction document) happens because the public have been programmed to comply and remain silent while Town Hall corrupt puppets line their pockets, and as a consequence, social cohesion, heritage and culture out in the communities is now a distant memory, European and Christian festival days are now corporate and holidays for banks..... pubs, clubs and places to gather for our people have disappeared into the black hole of Politically correct buzzwords, quotas and slow kill policies that have purposely, ethnically and socially cleansed, and isolated large sections of society just to keep these weaponised special groups happy.
This is why the dog whistlers are sent in…. to emotionally challenge us into submission, and a proportion of these attendees think the performance is going to help each of our respective communities when in fact it only helps the Central Banks and their officially sectioned quota groups.
A dark cloud hangs over the soul of Liverpool, and ultimately over all Europeans, all because institutionalised (PC) trickery has divided and kept us silent in order to protect the “Jewish central banker crime families” and their colour coded, “one party state” from criticism and allowed our communities to deteriorate into self-destruct while stimulating white guilt, and a feral mentality into generations of lost youth who view certain influential lifestyles that program from video games, Tv and social media as an easy way to be elevated onto a social ladder of acceptance that makes our communities either degenerate or unsafe….. and nothing will change for the good until folk identify all these slow kill policies haemorrhaging out of Parliament as anti-white which will help shove the dog whistle up the jacksie of the whistlers and cause a shock wave to the foundation of the Town Hall....If you fail to listen, then you are submitting to being conquered, and your children will suffer the consequences of being submissive and taught by foreigners.....
The writer, and afro centrist "Ayo Kimathi" also concludes the same problem as to why everything is being turned upside down. Even he shows facts and evidence on the Transatlantic slave trade being a lie! Yet we in Liverpool have to suffer the indignity of hosting a slave museum that houses... a little biddy indus£ry... in a small section of the building... wolf crying... "They Ho£ocau$t'ed" us too......Used as leverage to gain global "emotional monopoly" that keeps the solvent... ££$$, and gives them a right of passage, and freedom to manufacture shield groups. in plane sight!
The meeting ended after 90mnts and I was enthusiastically asked by one of Kenwrights female agents “would I stand” …. I immediately responded with a contrived smile, and a … “Yes” …and was given a date and time to attend an interview in two days Wed 22nd March 2023.
Well, why not once again walk the gauntlet of EU legacy and see if their system still holds emotional power over the self righteous, apathetic and compliant oppressed who don't like to rock the boat in-case it threatens their social standing, and little material nest egg that they have managed to preserve during their simple existence.
Merit or EU Quota
Maybe my 40+ years of self-employment, 20 of which was in the city developing Quiggins, even though it clashed with the town hall kabbalah from its inception, could it now serve as some sort of a resume above the likes of Councillor Radford’s, chippy tits, or the revolutionary guy Jon Egan’s remit, after all Quiggins did what the Princes Trust and other in the loop Marxist funding quangos should have been doing, and I did it on merit and a small budget to protect 250 local jobs, small micro businesses and entrepreneurs from Corporate and Zionist Town Hall bullying!
Quiggins become Liverpool’s trendy “destination” go to place that touched on three decades, 80’s, 90’s and circa 2000, and yet was outcast during the city of culture bid…. It
wasn’t Boots chemist or Top shop what inspired coach loads of visitors arriving at weekends at our doors.
It was during our fight for survival that I experienced why I was never able to get into the funding loop. I always knew it was the unspoken of race issue among other things, I wasn't an atheist, I preferred women, and I couldn't grow an afro.
I was in control of an industry that they couldn’t manipulate
and it didn’t sit well because Quiggins used an on merit system as a resume, the Town Hall needed specific EU quota shield walls that I’d instinctively refuse, even when these groups waved well-funded inducement cheques in my face, I would however direct them to St Johns Market where I knew they would be well suited, because that market was full of non-Europeans and bilingual residents.
It took them 20 years to dissolve my long lease and lock me out of land sales so I couldn’t transfer. They completely outcast and shut me down in 2006 and banished me from the city, and almost wiped clean our historical footprint from Liverpool’s social history.
Who has the power and influence to do that on the Global Net?
They’d even secured an, in the loop, solvent speculator from the Pharmaceutical industry “Gerry O'Brien” to use my name, to re-establish an alternative venue in another part of the city to mislead the public into thinking I had survived with a huge payoff. No one knew I eventually ended up living 9 months in the YMCA homeless shelter from the consequence of losing my lifetimes work.
Shield wall quotas R’us
Throughout the city of culture shakedown, puppet councillors, all in lock-step helped:
1, Fill the coffers of a huge cultural Marxist owned warehouse on Parliament Street called “Novas”, It became a well-funded EU” “immigrant” and Cultural power house of micro businesses, alongside a drop in centre full of Marxist baby sitters dishing out the funding road map to secure the new voting bloc for the Town Hall kabbalah. all done in parallel with the slaughter of Quiggins.
2, Advocated for an EU “Homosexual village” spear headed by the Liberal councillor Steve Radford and friend (Not all sex involving children is unwanted) Peter Tatchell who is another infamous Labour25 degenerate like their Mayoral friend Chippy Tits Anderson……
It doesn’t take a genius to work out what sort of negotiable resume gets you into the loop!
Now remember the October Communications owner and EU PR guy Jon Egan who is also the Aurora cultural guru for Liverpool who had all the long term plans from Town Hall top table Zionists and dual passport holders during the city of Culture shake down! ie Louise Ellman to name but one etc
Only time will tell if these independent shadow boxers in the Liberate Liverpool Movement, with their so called “social conscience” are ready for real “national principles”. I only know of one way of using their own system against them! “The War Referendum”, is a way to nullify their prospects, and take back our Nation and Sovereignty, a legal pre-emptive strike, and constitutional obligation in self-defence of Europe at those who are at war with us.... ie. All the colour coded parties and their Central bank paymasters!
The Interview.
Wed 22nd March 2023.
My invitation day for the interview arrived, I turned up on time but it only took minutes for them to consider ….
It was “shock, horror” on the face of one of the interviewers as the elephant walked into the room…” Me” …. I was now facing the agent who was at the meeting who had wolf cried “We are a Multicultural city and everyone is welcome” Lol…..
After an uncomfortable seat and greet from my three inquisitors, a discussion soon started:
Interviewer 1, Hi Peter, I have to ask in order for others to hear:
Have you ever been affiliated to any of the parties?
My reply, Yes, you know I have Carl…. I was a member of two legal parties, BNP and National Front, I was also one of Liverpool’s 2012 first Mayoral candidates, and as you know, a Labour Party paedophile aid and abettor Joe Anderson “chippy tits” won the position.
Interviewer, Yes I am aware of that Peter, but still!
Your application has to go before the committee to make a decision on whether LLM can back you, and I don’t think they will support your application, but it doesn’t stop you from applying separately to be an independent.
My reply, So, not everyone is welcome into your love group of hate are they Carl! … I managed a little smile and thought:
Lucky for you I’m not from one of the quota groups or you would be dealing with a discrimination law suit at some point in the future, after telling me I could still stand if I wanted to, as a toxic individual among a tight knit group of self righteous, naïve and Marxist individuals who prefer to pay interest on their loans and mortgages while the bankers roll out "shrink inflation", offering us smaller product at the super market tills at the same, or inflated price.
These are the fools who cant see a more meaningful, and plentiful lifestyle sitting in wait outside of the meagre existence they've been allowed to exist in, having no idea that, each of our respective "Trust accounts" are being plundered by "in the loop shareholders".
Well..... Now I have free rein to say it as it is,
without treading carefully around your compromised effort!
It was my mayoral entry in 2012 which proved “the anti-white agenda” was real, and now here, more proof from another Democratic love group of contradiction telling me, only the corruptible and naïve individuals marinated in EU legacy (cultural Marxism) are allowed into the loop…… Lol…. Bingo!!!!
It went just like a Monty Python script!
So who is their PR guy Jon Egan:
Jon Egan is owner of “October Communications” and Aurora Media, a former employee of the Labour party and Member, With over 20 years working for politicians in Westminster and Europe, and boasts a Tavistock London address, all in pursuit of Zionist strategy and outcomes.
The Leninist, Jon Egan is following the same strategy that the “Mensheviks” and “Bolsheviks” used in 1917 in the “October revolution” that took over the European nation “Russia” during which time 80m+ European Christians were butchered along with the Tsar and his family. It is a proven strategy that the “Jewish Central Banker Crime Families” have used for millennia.
So what is the strategy:
Plan A, first they use a primer group of naïve "self righteous".....“amicable” ...and “pretty please” individuals to spear head the takeover….
But if plans don’t go accordingly with the Chutzpah!
Plan B, ” Win” or “lose” top table Trade Unionists, and sitting in wait Trotskyite Militants and Anarchists are already primed to rally blind faith workers to the streets at the drop of a hat, to feign a revolution to topple Town Halls up and down the nation when they trigger a mood swing, and this new LLM group will have been tempered enough to tag along with the Zio-Marxist charade.
The recent, coordinated global strike actions across the planet with Unite unions “Hash Tag” enough is enough was the dry run for the “JCBCF” to help roll out their NWO and BRICS banking cashless society….. and their shield wall slave groups and LLM (weather they know it or not) are making it happen.
That’s why they use a Lenin strategist.
The remit of this October revolutionary, Jon Egan guy is to supress the rise of Gottfried Feders nationalist economic miracle which threatens their “Jewish Central Banking economic slavery system” that creates generational poverty which spins from their Town Hall (((municipalities))) across our nation, so must instead sell, and lead the public with Zio-Strasserist, and Zio-Duginist strategies alongside weasel words to gain Zio-Bolshevik outcomes for the Central Bankers.
Or if you need it simplified, using their dialectic "Left" and "Right" language that always results with their choice:
Anything right wing coming from the left will always be Left wing, which is the sand the Jew kicks in your face.
Be on the lookout in the city for “The Light Newspaper” which is priming the population towards an uprising to reinforce any trade union rally as and when they trigger a mood swing. The paper is ultimately in circulation to platform the "home of the central bankers "Israel" as a victim" while contributors such as David Ike attach Fascism to politicians and big Pharma, no different to UKIPS publication UK Column playing the same psychological gymnastics in a dialectic exercise to mislead the public into feeling sorry for the well poisoner/money changers that history warned us of.
Dual loyalist and passport holder, MP Louse Ellman …………………………….Aliyah…….Guilty!
Dual loyalist and passport holder, Gideon Bentovin OBE ……………………..Aliyah…….Guilty!
Dual loyalist and passport holder, Councillor Luciana Berger ………………. Aliyah…….Guilty!
Dual loyalist and passport holder, Councillor Beatrice Fraenkel ………….. Aliyah……Guilty!
Dual loyalist and passport holder, Max Steinberg NHS Partnership etc… Aliyah……Guilty!
The well poisoners, all looking after our health and well being ....1,........ 2,......., etc, etc,
Ask yourself this! Do you have an option of claiming blood stained land, or property as part
of a contrived inheritance outside of this country, at a convenient/safe time in the future?
Well these dual loyalists/foreigners do!
Get all the dual loyalists/foreigners out of office and Oblast them all to Birobidzhan! ...... No not to Israel, Oblast them to Birobidzjan!
Further reading and study: #PeterQuiggins The War Referendum
If you want more... "shocking facts" .... Go here......